C42C – 560Kg Check List
PRE FLIGHT (VITAL ACTIONS) Brake set ON Set throttle 2000 rpm (when cold set 2500 rpm) Mag check at 2000 Controls full and free and correct sense? Flaps set as required? *first stage normally* Altimeter set? *NWI QNH flying form Felthorpe* Harnesses and hatches secure? (no light visible at bottom of door) Trim set for take-off, 1 below centre? Magneto check at 4000 rpm (max drop 300 rpm, max difference 150) Throttle idle then Reset throttle 2000 rpm (below 2000 rpm, engine runs) Carb heat ON for 15 Secs then OFF Posi and landing lights ON Transponder ON ALT Fuel pump ON, contents sufficient? OPEN COWL FLAP Flight instruments set and correct Engine temperatures and pressures normal? Check full power during take-off roll (min 5000 rpm) Check airspeed risingAFTER TAKE OFF Flaps retracted above 300 feet Landing Light OFF Fuel pump OFF when level and above 1000 feet Engine temperatures and pressures within limits?SHUTDOWN Mag check at 2000 Unnecessary electrics (Transponder, Radio, UPS, Switches) OFF Fully close throttle, Mags off one at a time Record Hobbs reading Tablet OFF key out