#1. Can a flight enter an ATZ without permission?
Rule 11 of The Rules of the Air Regulations 2015 – Flying within an ATZ
To comply with Rule 11
1. An aircraft must not fly, take off or land within the ATZ of an aerodrome unless the commander of the aircraft has complied with 2, 3 or 4 as appropriate.
2. If the aerodrome has an air traffic control unit the commander must obtain the permission of that unit to enable the flight to be conducted safely within the ATZ.
3. If the aerodrome provides a flight information service the commander must obtain information from the flight information centre to enable the flight to be conducted safely within the ATZ.
4. If there is no flight information centre at the aerodrome the commander must obtain information from the air/ground communication service to enable the flight to be conducted safely within the ATZ.
#2. What is the maximum permitted angle of bank for a microlight, if not further restricted by the aircrafts permit to fly?
#3. What is the minimum age to hold a NPPL licence for a microlight?
#4. Which of the following excludes a pilot from making a Pilots Medical Declaration (PMD)?
However, a person with a physiological disorder that is controlled by medication may be certified as fit to fly by a CAA Aeromedical Examiner (AME)
#5. Which organisation regulates Microlights airworthiness within the UK?
The CAA regulates Microlights, however, some powers have been delegated to both the BMAA and the LAA.
#6. Which images shows a marshal signalling – Proceed under guidance of another marshal
#7. Is an aircraft with a fixed radio required to have an Aircraft Radio Licence?
#8. Order of priority in the air is?
#9. What are the operation limitations on an NPPL restricted license?
The minimum requirements before applying to the BMAA for your NPPL (M) restricted license are:
- Flight time under instruction – 15 hours in total, which has to include 7 hours solo
- You also need to hold a valid medical declaration / certificate in order to fly solo
The restricted licence means:
- The pilot must not fly more than 8nm from the departure airfield.
- The pilot must not fly when the cloud base is lower than 1000ft above ground level (AGL) and/or visibility is less than 10KM
#10. Your NPPL rating is one day over its renewal period of 24 months, you have met the flying requirements, what must you do to continue flying legally?
#11. What altitude are you limited to when using MOGAS?
#12. In order to carry an non pilot of type as a passenger you must have completed
#13. What is the minimum visibility in Class D airspace when flying VFR below 3,000ft?
#14. What is the minimum age you can fly solo in a microlight?

#15. What does a white flare from aircraft or irregular switching of navigation or landing lights mean?
#16. Do you need a flight radio telephony operator licence (FRTOL) to fly a Microlight
ANO Section 5
Operation of radio in aircraft 79.
(1) A radio station in an aircraft must not be operated, whether or not the aircraft is in flight, except—
(a) in accordance with the conditions of the licence issued for that station under the law of the country in which the
aircraft is registered or the State of the operator; and
(b) by a person duly licensed or otherwise permitted to operate the radio station under that law.
(2) The radio station in an aircraft must not be operated so as to cause interference which
impairs the efficiency of aeronautical telecommunications or navigational services.
Wireless Telegraphy (WT) Act 1949
Under the Wireless Telegraphy (WT) Act 1949 it is an offence to install or use radio transmission equipment without a licence.
Glider pilots and student pilots under training are, subject to certain conditions, exempt under ANO Article 26 from the requirement to hold a FRTOL. However, glider pilots without a FRTOL are not permitted to use the radio to communicate with an Air Traffic Control (ATC) unit.

#17. What is the marshal indicating in the image when their arms repeatedly crossed above the head.
#18. Which of the following is it compulsory to record in a pilot’s personal log book? (tick all that apply)
Select all that apply:

#19. What does the following mean if seen on a runway?
#20. How long is the Microlight class rating valid for?
#21. What are the minimum hours required to obtain a full microlight licence?

#22. What does this symbol mean?

#23. What does this symbol mean?
A white double cross signifies that glider flying is in progress. A larger version marks an area to be used only by gliders.
#24. When flying over a built up area you must
#25. Class E airspace is for both IFR and VFR flights but do you require a clearance to enter it?
Class E. Class E airspace is for IFR and VFR use. IFR aircraft require ATC clearance and compliance with ATC instructions is mandatory for separation purposes. VFR traffic does not require clearance to enter class E airspace.
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