NPPL (M) Syllabus For Microlight Flight Training
Note: This is the old Syllabus it was superseded in Jan 2019, new students will all way be on the new syllabus whereas existing students may switch to the new syllabus or remain on the old one.
Ex 1 – Aircraft familiarisation – To become familiar with the component parts, controls, and systems of the aircraft.
EX 2 – Preparation for flight and action after – To understand how to prepare the aircraft and pilot for flight, and to leave the aircraft after flight.
EX 3 – Air Experience – To introduce and become accustomed to the aircraft, the sensation of flying and to sample the aspect of the ground from the air.
EX 4 – Effects of Controls – To understand how each control affects the aircraft in flight.
EX 5 – Taxiing – To safety control the aircraft while manoeuvring on the ground, in different wind conditions, and on different surfaces.
EX 6 – Straight & Level flight – To attain and maintain flight in a straight line, and at a constant altitude.
EX 7 – Climbing – To enter and maintain a steady full-power-climb, and then return to level flight at a predetermined altitude. Also to enter and maintain a steady cruise-climb.
EX 8 – Descending – To enter and maintain a steady glide-descent, then at a predetermined altitude, to return to level flight or climb. Also to enter and maintain a steady cruise-descent.
EX 9a – Medium Level-turns (up to 30° bank angle) – To enter and maintain a medium (up to approx 30° bank) turn whilst maintaining level flight, then to return to straight and level on a new heading.
EX 9b – Climbing and descending turns – To enter and maintain a climb or descent whilst turning, or to enter and maintain a turn from a straight climb or a descent.
EX 10a – Slow flight – To become familiar with the ‘feel’ of the aircraft in slow flight just above the stall speed, and to recognise the symptoms of the incipient stall, and to restore aircraft to safe flight before the stall occurs.
EX 10b – Stalling – To recognise and enter a fully-developed stall from various modes of flight both straight and turning, and then to recover with minimum height-loss to a safe flight mode. Also to recover to a safe flight mode at the incipient stall stage.
EX 11 – Spin Awareness – To understand and recognise the onset of situations which may lead to an inadvertent spin, and to learn how to instinctively take the necessary control actions to effect a recovery back to normal flight condition before a spin occurs, i.e. to recover the incipient stage.
EX 12 – Takeoff and climb to down wind – To safely take off and climb the aircraft to position on the downwind leg at circuit height. Also to land safely in the event of an engine failure after take off or at any time in the circuit, and to decide against and take appropriate action, if for some reason, continuation of the take off would be unsafe.
EX 13 – The circuit, approach, and landing/overshoot – To fly an accurate circuit and carry out a safe approach and landing
Ex 14 – Advanced turning (up to 60° bank angle) – To carry out a coordinated level turn at steep angles of bank and to recognise and recover from a spiral dive. Also entry and recovery from, and uses of a side-slipping turn (if applicable to type).
EX 15 – Unusual and dangerous attitudes/conditions – To recognise and recover from unusual attitudes in order to prevent the aircraft entering dangerous conditions.
EX 16a – Forced landings, with/without power – To carry out a safe descent, approach, and landing, in the event of the engine failing during flight, and to carry out a safe unplanned precautionary landing in an unfamiliar field.
EX 16b – Operation at minimum level – To safely operate the aircraft at heights lower than those normally used.
EX 17a – First solo – To carry out a safe and accurate solo circuit, approach, and landing.
EX 17b – Solo circuit, local area, and general flying consolidation to GST for microlight NPPL – To correct any errors or bad habits which may have developed during 17b and to check that no aspect of the training has been overlooked.
Ex 17c – Dual revision for GST – To correct any errors or bad habits which may have developed during 17b and to check that no aspect of the training has been overlooked.
EX 18 – Pilot navigation – To fly accurately and safely in VMC and under VFR, a predetermined route, without infringing the rules governing regulated airspace.